I am facing 2 issues while using Row Edit Template. I am using Infragistics.Web.Mvc v4.13.1.1012.
1) setting rowEditDialogWidth and rowEditDialogHeight.
2) Using TextArea or setting editorType to MultiLine for one of the column. Could I set this up in script tag added for rowEditDialogRowTemplate1?
Below is the sample code for Updating feature added in igGrid.
{ name: "Updating", enableAddRow: true, showReadonlyEditors: false, enableDataDirtyException: false, editMode: "rowedittemplate", rowEditDialogRowTemplateID: "rowEditDialogRowTemplate1", rowEditDialogHeight: 400, rowEditDialogWidth: 800, rowEditDialogFieldWidth: 600, enableDeleteRow: false, startEditTriggers: 'enter dblclick', columnSettings: [{ columnKey: "Id", readOnly: true }, { columnKey: "column1", editorType: "Text", editorOptions: { readOnly: false }, required: false, validation: true }, { columnKey: "column2", editorType: "text", validation: true, required: true, editorOptions: { textMode:"multiLine", maxLength: 5000, height: 200, width: 600 } }, { columnKey: "column3", editorType: "text", validation: true, required: true, editorOptions: { button: "dropdown", readOnly: true, dataSource: allPageCodes, textKey: "Text", valueKey: "Value", renderMatchItems: "multi" } }] }
Please let me know if there is any work around for these issues. Thank you..
Hello Vamsi,
Thank you for posting in our forum.
I recommend you setting also rowEditDialogContentHeight:
I also think that the rowEditDialogFieldWidth value that you have set is too big. You should set bigger rowEditDialogWidth.
Regarding the second question:
rowEditDialogRowTemplate1 should be used especially for styling of the Row Edit Template.
The column setting should be used for setting the editorType and etc.
Please take a look at the online sample:
Let me know if I can help you further.
Thanks for quick reply.
I looked at the sample provided, I couldn't set the editorType of text to multiLine mode by using editorOptions. It works just like a single line text box. I would like to have a text area instead.
Below is the column setting value I am specifying..
{ columnKey: "column2", editorType: "text", validation: true, required: true, editorOptions: { textMode:"multiLine", maxLength: 5000, height: 200, width: 600 } },
Let me know if there is an alternative.
Thank you
Thank you for the follow up.
I was aware of this issue but it was fixed one year ago :
127567 - If editorType is text and textMode is "multiline", the editor is rendered as INPUT element but not TEXTAREA
So it should be working with the version that you are using.
Can you please check again the version of the scripts that you have?
You can verify that with the online sample.
It is completely runnable independently in jsfiddle.
You can check by setting :
columnKey: "Title",
editorType: "text",
textMode: "multiline",
maxLength: 100,
height: 50,
width: 150
Please let me know if I may assist you further.