I recently updated infragistic library with 13.1.20131.2292 and i am facing a problem with infragistic summary feature in french language.
After upgrading to 13.1.20131.2292 version i am seeing that in grid summary row sum is coming by multiplying by 100 but if i load the same grid in English its showing correct sum. before this version i was using 13.1.20131.2039 version and in this version this problem was not there even i checked this problem in latest version 13.2 also and problem is exist there also.
for your reference i am attaching screen shots for you with both version you can see the difference there.
Hello Vivek,
Can you isolate your issue in a simple html sample so we can investigate it. Looking at the screenshot I can see that there is a problem, however I cannot reproduce it locally.
Thanks in advance,Martin PavlovInfragistics, Inc.
Please Help me on this as early as possible.
second image