I am getting a request error from the server (invalid OData request) when I sort and groupby on the same column. The reason being $orderby is set twice on the same column. I am using a remote datasource (ASP.NET WebAPI 2 OData controller).
Request: /OData/GetRecords?%24orderby=Name+asc%2CName+asc&%24skip=0&%24top=25&%24inlinecount=allpages&pk=RecordID&_=1386690811172
Error: Duplicate property named 'Name' is not supported in '$orderby'
I am using version 2013.1.2292.
I received word that it will be fixed in the next service release, (Feb. 21) according to this schedule: http://ko.infragistics.com/help/service-releases/
Please advise if a resolution is available for this issue as I'm having similar issue. Thanks.
Hello Bertm13 ,
Thank you for posting in our forum.
I’ve looked into this and it seems to be a development issue.
I’ve logged it with development issue number 160660.
In order to better track this I’ve also opened a private case for you with number CAS-129305-G0T1J6.
We can continue communication trough the case. Let me know if you have any questions.
Best Regards,
Maya Kirova
Developer Support Engineer II
Infragistics, Inc.