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Remote Paging with QueryString/Page Refresh

Hi all,

I might be missing a trick here, but I've got a grid which uses the magical remote paging functions of the igGrid (ASP.NET MVC Razor). Double clicking on a row sends the user to the required detail page via a redirect. That redirect has enough information to host a breadcrumb, containing the grids' query, filter and page index. Clicking on the breadcrumb hyperlink returns the user to the previous grid page, and some JavaScript selects the appropriate page after the DataSourceUrl does its thing.

My problem is when the user simply clicks Back on their browser. It'll go directly to page 1, as my QueryString does not contain any previous paging data and the page code to interrogate the ViewState is not invoked (as it's not a page reload).

What is the best solution here? I'd really like the grid to actually redirect each time, updating the Query String as I go.

Thanks! Tom