Hello everybody!
I am using a grid with the mode row edit.
When I start to edit a row, there are a checkbox and a combobox (among other fields).
What I would like to do, while editing the row :
How detect the event of change or click of the checkbox?
I found how do it.
Based on http://ko.infragistics.com/community/forums/p/81039/408865.aspx#408865, instead of $(editor).data("igEditor").options.valueChanged, the code is rather:
editRowStarted : function(evt, ui) {
$( ui.owner.editorForKey("valBoolean")).on("click",function(evt, args)
{ if($(ui.owner.editorForKey("valBoolean")).find(".ui-igcheckbox-small-off").length != 0) { valCheckBox = false; $("#comboCountries").igCombo("selectedIndex", -1); } else { valCheckBox = true; } });
columnSettings :
columnKey: "Countries", editorType: "combo", editorOptions: { id: "comboActivities", mode: "dropdown", dataSource: source, multiSelection : "onWithCheckboxes", textKey: "txtCountry", valueKey: "valueCountry", dropDownOpening : function(){ return valCheckBox;[..]
Hope it may be useful to other users.
Hello F2O,
Thank you for sharing your solution with the community !