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Fill igCombo in grid with oData and setup lookup function


I am using a combobox within an igGrid and implemented everything according to the following forum post:

The only difference is that I am using oData and not local data.

I can fill the combobox and edit the values in the grid.

However, I am unable to fill the lookup array for the formatter function.

Here I setup my lookup data source: (TypeScript)

        var mediasSchema = new Infragistics.DataSchema("json", {
            fields: [
                { name: "ID", type: "number" },
                { name: "Name", type: "string" }
            searchField: "value"
        this.medias = new Infragistics.RemoteDataSource({
            autoCommit: true,
            responseDataKey: "value",
            responseDataType: "json",
            responseContentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
            dataSource: host + 'odata/Medias?$select=ID,Name',
            schema: mediasSchema,
            dataBound: () => this.fillMediaNameLookup(this._lookupMediaList)

And then I call:


By the way, the TypeScript declaration of dataBind is not correct in Infragistic's ".d.ts" file. That's why I have to do the casting.

I use the dataBound event to fill the lookup array.

Unfortunately, the data source is still empty when the dataBound event is raised.

I can see in the browser's debugging tools that the dataBound event is called even before the JSON is returned and processed.

Is this a bug?

If yes, I would need a fix asap. If not, can you modify the sample from the forum post that I mentioned above so that it works with oData. (Both, the table data and the lookup data comes from an oData source.)

