hi i am working on the tree control, i need + symbol instead of triangle symbol..? when we click the triangle it goes to reverse triangle, same like that if i click + symbol it will expand and - symbol will appear.
Please suggest.
You can do this using some CSS. Modify '.ui-icon-triangle-1-e' class in infragistics.theme.css - set background-image rule (should be your '+' symbol) and background-position: 0 0;. The class that should be modified with the '-' symbol image is '.ui-icon-triangle-1-s' in the same stylesheet.
Let me know if you have other questions.
Thanks for your help.
I need one more help.. i have requirement to display the tree like below format.
Product Id Product Name Productcost Productimage
+1234 AAAAA $1231 imagelink
-1235 BBBB $123 imagelink
+2777 ksfdl $1231 imagelink
+2778 dskf $1231 imagelink
+1236 CCC $1231 imagelink
if i click + symbol it will expand display the subproducts items...how can i achieve this. suggest me.
You can achieve this using nodeContentTemplate property, for example:
bindings: { nodeContentTemplate: "${ProductID} ${ProductName} ${ProductCost}" }
For more information, please check the igTree API reference: http://help.infragistics.com/jQuery/2013.2/ui.igtree#options
Hope this helps.
Please let me know if you have any further questions.