Ignite UI 13.2 - MVC 5
I have a hierarchical grid populated with parent/child data. I am using teh AddRow feature to add new rows to the grid.
The grid is on a page with other fields on it and I am serialising all of the data so that I can update all fields and the grid in one transaction.
In order to serialise the grid data I call the allTransactions method but it is not returning the child band data. I get the parent band data just fine but can't figure out how to get hold of the changes in the child band (at this point all of the changes are new rows (since I can't save them in order to update them later).
Here is my jQuery code, which is sitting behind a button click on the web page:
var url = "@Url.Action(BRASHjms.Controllers.JobController.ACTION_SaveJob, new {})";var oMaterialTransactions = JSON.stringify($("#MaterialGrid").igGrid("allTransactions"));var form = $('form').serialize(); // Serialize form data.var data = { __RequestVerificationToken: $('[name=__RequestVerificationToken]').val(), ig_MaterialTransactions : oMaterialTransactions, formData: form }; // Format it for our model.// Post to the server.$.post(url, data, saveResponse);
oMaterialTransactions only ever includes the top level, parent, data.
I tried .igHierarchicalGrid("allTransactions") but that throws an error because allTransactions is not a function of igHierarchicalGrid.
How do I get hold of the changes to the child band?
Graeme Hart
Hello Graeme, maybe you will be interested on this:
OK thanks a lot Graeme! ;)
Hi Luis
Zdravko told me this, though I haven't tested it out since I got my system working as described above:
Issue "169561: Transactions of type "newrow" on child layouts should always include the foreign key in the transaction log" has been addressed in service release versions 2013.1, 2013.2, 2014.1, 2014.2.
The following additional notes have been provided regarding this issue:
This service release is now available under your account at the Infragistics Website. To download the service release, log in to ‘Account’ and select ‘Keys & Downloads’. Select the appropriate tab for this product; then the license key. The available service releases (Hot Fixes) should now be listed on the page.
So, if you make sure you have the latest release of the listed versions you should be OK.
Hi Graeme! Did you solve this issue? I am very interested on this topic too. Thanks.
Hello,I am just checking do you have the chance to check the new available Service Release?