I have a CB set up with a title and a few options.
When I click on the text "TITLE" the CB goes in to text edit mode. I want to find a way to prevent this.
Perfect solution thank you.
Hello Seang,
Thank you for the code and additional information. You may include "Title" as part of an image. And set the background-image of the input area of the CB.
If you have any questions, please let me know as well.
Hi, I dont follow you? I'm asking a question in general not a code questioning. I have some proprietary code if you want to see what I'm doing with it but nothing isolated.
I'm referring to the (nullText: name,) part of the code. Seems I can edit that by clicking on the CB, I just want it to be a static label.
/** * @file menue.js * @author Sean Green <seang@sctflash.com> * @company SCT * * @section LICENSE see SCT_JQapi.js * * * * @section menu class */ var menue = ( function() { // A constructor. /* \param IUDiv: referace to the UI div for igniteui engine \param windowDiv: referace to the movable window \param inX: window position and size. \param inY: "" \param inWindowDiv: div for window \param name: name of window \param item(x): attems to add creates a menu */ function menue( inIUDiv, inX, inY, inWindowDiv, outerDiv, id, name, item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7, item8, item9, item10 ) { var INSTANCE = this; this.copyData = null; this.copyColumnKey = null; this.copyInfo = null; //defults this.checkedSelections = "true:false"; this.windowMode = 0; this.clearWindowResize = "false"; var menuItems = new Array(); for ( i = 1; i < 11; i++ ) { //if constructor passed in data, display it. if ( eval( "item" + i ) ) menuItems.push( { "item": eval( "item" + i ) } ); } this.applyPrefs(); var delay = ( function () { var timer = 0; return function ( callback, ms ) { clearTimeout( timer ); timer = setTimeout( callback, ms ); }; } )(); $( window ).resize( function () { delay( function ()//need to set this to avoide bad slugish-ness { outerDiv.style.left = window.innerWidth - ( id * 120 ) - 10 + "px"; outerDiv.style.top = _menuHeight + "px"; }, 180 ); } ); makeWindow( inWindowDiv, inX, inY, 1, 1 )//set up windows size bar and position. $.ig.loader( function () { inIUDiv.igCombo( { dataSource: menuItems, virtualization: true, nullText: name, textKey: "item", valueKey: "item", width: "120px", autoComplete: true, selectionChanged: function ( evt, ui ) { switch( ui.items[0].text.substring(0,4) ) { case "Copy": INSTANCE.copyData = _currentWindowPinned.selectionData; INSTANCE.copyInfo = _currentWindowPinned.selectionCopyInfo; break; case "Past": _currentWindowPinned.paste( INSTANCE.copyData, INSTANCE.copyInfo )//_currentWindowPinned.selectionCopyInfo break; case "Sele"://select all for ( var i = _currentWindowPinned.gridIDMap.allRows().length + 1; i > -1; i-- ) { for ( var j = _currentWindowPinned.gridIDMap.option( "columns" ).length - 1; j > 0 ; j-- ) { _currentWindowPinned.igGridSelection.selectCell( i, j ); } } if ( document.getElementById( "myDiv" + _currentWindowPinned.ID + "_table__" ) ) document.getElementById( "myDiv" + _currentWindowPinned.ID + "_table__" ).className = "ui-widget-header-leftCell";//rid that green select break; case "Pref": if ( document.getElementById( 'preferenceBox' ) ) { document.body.removeChild( document.getElementById( 'preferenceBox' ) ); return } var preferenceBox = document.createElement( 'div' ); preferenceBox.setAttribute( 'style', 'position:fixed; top:' + 100 + 'px; left:' + 510 + 'px; z-index:' + 2000 ) preferenceBox.setAttribute( 'id', 'preferenceBox' ); preferenceBox.setAttribute( 'class', 'preferenceBox' ); ecu = new ECU(); var data = ecu.DataReader( "?userID=0" ); var checks = ""; var a1, a2, b1, b2; if ( data != '""' ) { data = data.substring( 1, data.length - 1 )//rid "" data = data.split( "," );//get the catagories checks = data[0].split( ":" );//get the checks if ( checks[0] == "true" ) { a1 = "checked"; a2 = ""; } else { a1 = ""; a2 = "checked"; } if ( checks[1] == "true" ) { b1 = "checked"; b2 = ""; } else { b1 = ""; b2 = "checked"; } } else {//no pref file checks = INSTANCE.checkedSelections.split( ":" );//get the checks if ( checks[0] == "true" ) { a1 = "checked"; a2 = ""; } else { a1 = ""; a2 = "checked"; } if ( checks[1] == "true" ) { b1 = "checked"; b2 = ""; } else { b1 = ""; b2 = "checked"; } } preferenceBox.innerHTML = '<FORM NAME="Pref">' + '<TABLE border="4" > ' + '</td><td> Item </td><td>Explination<br> </td><td class2="table">Yes/No<br>' + '<br>' + '</tr><tr><td> 1 <br>' + '</td><td class="table1"> Clear contents when resizing windows. <br>' + '</td><td><input type="radio" name="radio1" id = "radio1" ' + a1 + ' ><input type="radio" name="radio1" ' + a2 + '><br>' + '</tr><tr><td> 2 <br>' + '</td><td class="table1"> Do this and that . <br>' + '</td><td><input type="radio" name="radio2" id = "radio2" ' + b1 + '><input type="radio" name="radio2" ' + b2 + '><br>' + '<br>' + '</tr><tr><td> <br></td><td class="table2" ><input id="OK" type="button" value="Save"/> <br></td><td > <input type="button" value="Cancel" onClick="document.body.removeChild( preferenceBox )" /><br>' + '</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>' form = document.body.appendChild( preferenceBox ); var form = document.getElementById( "OK" ); form.onclick = function () { INSTANCE.doSave( INSTANCE ); } INSTANCE.clearWindowResize = true; break; } inIUDiv.igCombo( "selectedIndex", -1 );//clear selection - no need to leave that selected in the menues inIUDiv.igCombo( "activeIndex", -1 ); } } ); } ); }; // menue.prototype.doCopy(); // menue.prototype.doPaste(); menue.prototype.doSave = function ( I ) { var data = document.getElementById( 'radio1' ).checked + ":" + document.getElementById( 'radio2' ).checked + "," data = data + ( document.getElementById( 'themeSelector' ).value - 1 ).toString() + "," data = data + document.getElementById( 'myTree' ).style.fontSize //update check to relect live I.clearWindowResize = document.getElementById( 'radio1' ).checked ///blahh - checks[1]; ecu = new ECU(); var data = ecu.DataWriter( "?userID=0&data=" + data ); document.body.removeChild( preferenceBox ); this.applyPrefs(); }; menue.prototype.applyPrefs = function () { //apply preferences ecu = new ECU(); var data = ecu.DataReader( "?userID=0" ); if ( data != '""' ) { data = data.substring( 1, data.length - 1 )//rid "" data = data.split( "," );//get the catagories checkedSelections = data[0]; var checks = data[0].split( ":" );//get the checks this.clearWindowResize = ( checks[0] == "true" ) ? true : false; ///blahh - checks[1]; this.windowMode = data[1]; $( document.getElementById( 'myFontSlider' ) ).slider( { value: data[2].substring(0,2) } ); document.getElementById( 'myTree' ).style.fontSize = data[2]; var elmt = document.getElementById( 'themeSelector' ) elmt.value = this.windowMode; document.getElementById( 'themeSelector' ).selectedIndex = this.windowMode; document.getElementById( 'myTree' ).setAttribute( 'class', 'box_' +elmt.options[this.windowMode].text ); document.getElementById( 'myShortcutBar' ).setAttribute( 'class', 'shortcutbar box_' + elmt.options[this.windowMode].text) document.getElementById( 'myInfoBox' ).setAttribute( 'class', 'box_' + elmt.options[this.windowMode].text) } else {//no pref file } } return menue;})();
Hello seang,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
I may need more information from you. Please attach a copy of the CB definition together with your reply.