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Passing HtmlAttributes puts the attributes in a span instead of the input tag

I'm using MVC to create editors and when I pass custom Html attributes to the HtmlAttributes property, the custom attributes are put into a span tag instead of the input tag. Is there a reason for this? If we want to use any form of validation other than the IgniteUI validation, this makes it very difficult.



div id="ScreenControlTextEditor55756" class="ScreenControlTextEditorInline basiccriteriarow  " data-name="BasicCriteriaItem" data-internalid="55756">


<label class="LabelInline" for="BasicCriteriaItem"> </label><span data-controlId="55756" data-controlType="igEditor" data-dataType="A" data-defaultAction="SearchPaneMenuSearch" id="BasicCriteriaItem"></span><input name="BasicCriteriaItem" type="hidden" /><script type="text/javascript">//<!--<![CDATA[


function () {$('#BasicCriteriaItem').igEditor({ type: 0, button: 'clear', disabled: false, excludeKeys: null, height: 25, hideEnterKey: false, includeKeys: null, maxLength: 50, nullText: 'Item', selectionOnFocus: -1, textMode: 'text', toLower: false, toUpper: false, inputName: 'BasicCriteriaItem' });});

