I want to select a row from my igGrid and when submit button is clicked, I want that entire row to be passed down to the action method of the submit button. How can I do that ?
I have set features.Selection().Mode(SelectionMode.Row);
Is there a way to pass the entire row which was seleected to the action method or could i atleast get the id of the row selected.
Also is there a way other than using Jquery, Is there a .feature=> property through which we can pass the row or row id on button click. If not then please tell me how to do it through Jquery.
I need to know this urgently. Any help would be appreciated. also I have read the IgnitUi's website demo but still i cannot seem to achieve what i want .
If you could provide a short working sample , that would be great.
Hello zeppelin led,
Thank you for posting in our forums!
I see you have posted this question in another forum thread. Please see my response to this issue in your forum post here:
Yes your provided solution worked for me, thanks alot.
Can you please tell me how can i persist the selected item of igCombo on MVC's postback. When I select an option from the igCombo and click the submit button the combo loses the selected item on postback. I think this has something to do with model binding but i am not sure. Is there a property of igCombo to persist the the selected value on postback or is this an Asp.Net MVC query?
These posts are really helpful, thanks
Please let me know if you need further assistance with this issue.
Hi zeppelin led,
One solution for the text issue is to add the following styling which should overwrite the bootstrap styling on the input with the default styling's color.
.ui-state-hover input, .ui-widget-content .ui-state-hover input, .ui-widget-header .ui-state-hover input { color: #666; }
If you have any further questions or concerns with this, please let me know.
Thanks I will try to implement AddClientEvent method later after i finish my current work.
Regarding the bootstrap issue and hovering , If you find a fix please let me know, I also excluded the bootstrap reference and the issue was resolved but the thing is , I cannot exclude bootstrap , my whole website is built using bootstrap. Please let me know if you find a fix for it.
After some research, the issue with the text disappearing is related to including bootstrap. From my initial tests it looks like the hover style somewhere within bootstrap may be setting the text color to white, which matches the background. I will need some more time to look into this.
You are using the correct syntax for the AddClientEvent() method. To pass the selected value to the controller action, you can either use the events arguments, or the combo's methods. You can find more information on this in our documentation here:
The issues with using "document.getElementByName("EntityValue").val()" is that:
1. document.getElementByName() does not return a jQuery object. You would need to wrap this in a jQuery object to call .val().
2. The jQuery val() method, while it will work on getting the input's value, it does not access through our API. For this reason, we recommend using our API methods, which you can find more information from the links above.
Please see my modified sample I have attached to this post for a demonstration of these solutions.
I will have another update on my findings with the bootstrap text issue for you tomorrow.