Dear Infragistics,
We have for instance infragistics.js file which is 2.5 MB. I'm trying to find infragistics.min.js so I can deploy a much smaller file. Our customers are experiencing delays. But I can't find the minimized files. Where are they or how can I get them?
Thank you for answering.
Thank you for answering again.
I have found the files you suggested. Before I install the latest SR (which I think I have), just to be clear...
The minified size of infragistics.js is 2.5 MB??
Hello DannyvdK,
The files under C:\Program Files (x86)\Infragistics\NetAdvantage 2012.1\jQuery\js ought to be the minified scripts (even though they would not have .min.js in their names). The minified resources are placed in the root installing directory in a zipped archive - Infragistics.jquery.debug.
If for some reason the contents of the js folder are not minified I would suggest ensuring that the latest SR is installed.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any updates or questions.
Well, I have version 2012.1
When I check infragistics.js is says: Infragistics.Web.ClientUI Util functions 12.1.20121.1010
And I checked this location: D:\Components\Infragistics\Infragistics 2012.1\NetAdvantage 2012.1\jQuery\js
And all other folders, but I can't locate the .min.js files. Did I install the components wrong? Have any suggestions I can try?
The minified files are by default located in the installation directory at:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Infragistics\2014.1\Ignite UI\js
Please note however that in the latest versions, since the combined Infragistics.js script grew considerably in size, it was split into the core, dv and lob scripts. You may also be interested in using the IG Loader in order to limit the loaded resources to just the necessary ones:
Hope this helps. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.