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Collapse other rows if one row is expanded


Suppose the hierarchical grid structure is like-

A1 --> A1B1 ---> C11

                 ---> C12 

     ---> A1B2 ----> C21

                  ---> C22

A2 --> A2B1 --.> C31

                 ---> C32 

    ---> A2B2 --> C41 

                 ----> C42

Where, A1 represnt the first row of topmost grid, A1B1 and A1B2 are its child and so on

Suppose, I expand the A1 row, then A2 should be collapsed and vide versa, now inside A1, if A1B1 is expanded, A2 will remain collapsed but, and A1B2 will also be remain collapsed and similarly if A1B2 is expanded, then A1B1 is collapsed.. Going one more level down.. Suppose child 1 of A1B1 is expanded,  then all other children of A1B1 should be collapsed, and so on.

Hope I make myself clear.

How can I achieve this functionality on level wise, i.e If a row of ith level is expanded then all other rows at same level will be collapsed and also all other rows at  (i-1)th level should remain collapsed except the parent at  (i-1)


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