Hi, i am trying to get the parent node of the selecetd node by Jquery, i see several properties of prevObjet and also a parentElement but none of them get the parent node of the selected node? Any ideas about this?
If i use "ui" variable as the selected node then
Thank you for the update. What does the selectedNode method return for you? Do you get any console errors?
Hi, thanks for the replay but this is what i am trying to do and not working.
What i am trying to do is in javascript get the parent node of the selected node, reviewing the page you send me should be something like this:
$("#schemaTree").igTree("parentdNode", $("#schemaTree").igTree("selectedNode"))
"schemaTree" is the id of the treeview.
Any help would be appreciated
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
You can get the parent node of a node in the igTree by using the parentNode method:
Please let me know if you have any further questions concerning this matter.