Hello,I am currently working on an angular-igniteui igGrid with the controller setup. I also have jQuery.sortable() applied to the grid to have drag-able rows. I followed this forum post to set it up: https://ko.infragistics.com/community/forums/f/ignite-ui-for-javascript/78376/drag-and-drop-orderable-rows. I have attached a text file for my grid setup and the initialization of jQuery.sortable().
One of the cells in my grid is editable. I have added igValidaton to that cell. If I preform the following actions on this cell I get an error:1. Choose row and edit Drop No cell change value to 12. Select Drop No cell in another row with different job, change that value to 1 (this should hit the validation)3. Now click out of the cell to close edit mode while the validation message is still showing (one clicked out it reverts cell to original value because it was invalid data)4. Try to select another cell now to edit. An error occurs.The error message reads: "Uncaught Error: cannot call methods on igEditorFilter prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'setFocus'" I've attached a screenshot of the error in more detail. At first I thought maybe jQuery.sortable() was causing this issue, however as I use valid data, or fix the validation error before exiting the column I can drag and edit as much as I want, no issue. Not sure if it is something i'm doing or an internal issue in the infragistics code.
Here are my version #'s:infragistics v 14.2.20142.2140jquery v 2.1.1
Hello Julie,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics Developer Support!
However I was not able to reproduce the behaviour that you're seeing on your side. I have attached the sample I used to test this. Please test this sample on your side; whether or not it works correctly may help indicate the nature of this issue. If this sample is not an accurate demonstration of what you're trying to do, please feel free to modify it and send it back, or send a small sample project of your own if you have one.
Please let me know if I can provide any further assistance.
So the only difference between yours and mine seemed to be the code in the stop event of jquery sortable. I commented out the code I had in the stop event and mine also seemed to work then.
Thanks for the help!
I am glad that I've managed to help you, let me know if you need further assistance.