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How to brush range upto needle value pointer


I have three ranges with brush color green, yellow and red.

Now, I want to fill range color only up to value [needle pointer]

for ex. ranges with min= 0 to max =130 , where as my value is 2.5 till that value only , it should be fill with green color rest should in gray like as below

But from below code , it will color all range with define color [grren yellow, red], whereas I want it should color only value 2.5 with green color remaining range should be with gray color.

$('#' + igniteGraphModel.graphDivId).igLinearGauge({

height: "80px",

width: "100%",

minimumValue: 0,

maximumValue: 130,


minorTickEndExtent: 0,

minorTickStartExtent: 0,

labelExtent: -0.5,

tickBrush: "white",

tickStrokeThickness: 5.0, 

ranges: [


brush:"green" ,

name: 'low',

startValue: 0,

endValue: 80,




name: 'medium',

startValue: 80,

endValue: 100



brush: "red",

name: 'high',

startValue: 100,

endValue: 130




