I'm wanting to databind a stacked igDataChart to a knockout model
I used this sample as a starting point
and changed the series type to be "stackedLine" with 2 stackedFragments
see the jsFiddle here : http://jsfiddle.net/8oxj4Lj5/
I was expecting it all to just work, but in firefox, I'm getting the messasge
TypeError: series.expectFunctions is not a function infragistics.dv.js:238:19379
in my console window.
I had a look at this
to check the series are being definedcorrectly.
Should I be able to bind with knockout to a stacked chart?
Many Thanks
Hello Paul,
Does your sample run in Chrome, or it just breaks only in Firefox (on my side it throws the same exception in all browsers)? Anyway, I am currently working onto this issue and will update you with my findings.