i am trying to compare between 2 line series in Data Chart but not the two have the same data (XAxis Values), so lines separated not be line series any more
i used comparing example : http://jsfiddle.net/gh/get/jquery/1.9.1/igniteuisamples/jsfiddle-samples/tree/master/EN/HtmlSamples/data-chart/category-series/
and remove data from datasource and displayed the problem please check attached image
Hello Mai,
Thank you for posting in the Infragistics community !
I am not able to understand what is your goal and what your issue is, would you try to provide more details ? I had a look at the screenshot and it seems the right image rendered according to the available dataSource.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
i want to know how can compare between multiple series (line type )
Thank you very much worked
In case of missing values, at some point in the xAxis one can use the unknownValuePlotting property. When set to linearInterpolate it will plot the unknown value as the midpoint between surrounding known values using linear interpolation.
Discussion continues in http://ko.infragistics.com/community/forums/t/96726.aspx
and another attached image from my project
Thanks for reply,
when i set two series in chart and there are not intersection points between them series will separated the points not be line chart any more please check the image