Candlestick Chart with small datasource give me huge chart not give me all the view and all YAxis points
Thank you for the access shared. I was able to look at the chart and want to tell you that the chart renders properly, because:
The financial chart with a candlestick series displays opening, closing, highest and lowest value of a financial (investment) instrument in the form of a candlestick. Corresponding to this definition the lowMemberPath sets the value mapping property for the current series object. In your datasource the lowest value in the TPISI_1_lowPrice field is 5167.4578,
so the lowest point in the YAxis is 5000.
Please see the attached sample where the lowest value for TPISI_1_lowPrice field is 2167.4578 and see how the lowest point rendered on the YAxis is 2000. I hope you will also find this helpful:
"The FinancialPriceSeries in Candlestick mode is used to plot stock prices, and show the stock's high, low, open and close prices for each day. Each data point is plotted as a vertical column with vertical lines on both the top and bottom. The vertical line indicates the span between high and low values of an investment. The top of the vertical line indicates the highest price during a session and the bottom of the vertical line indicates the lowest price during a session. The vertical columns indicate the span between the opening and closing values of an investment. The columns are filled using Series’ Brush when there is positive value and using Series’ NegativeBrush when there is negative value between the opening and closing values"
Please let me know if you have further questions on the matter.
sorry for late,
this is url : http://kncairo.kn-it.org:8090/Etrade-Plus/site/login
please login using the following login :
username : menna04
password : test1234
and please following the instructions attached in image to see the issue :
I'm just following up to see if you had the time to provide the requested information.
Hi ,
I am still unable to reproduce this behavior. It will be highly appreciated if you could upload a sample that I can investigate for you and suggest accordingly.
Thanks for reply,
my problem when changing chart from line to candlestick, yAxis not change to new range display all candlestick points