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Example project

Hi, I am having endless issues trying to get a VB.Net VS2013 MVC 5 project (.Net framework 4.5) up and running using Ignite UI controls from Infragistics V 2014.2.  I have spent endless hours browsing your support forums and FAQ to try find a simple project which details a straightforward list of the steps needed to add for example the igGrid to a view (in my case a partial view).  I am using razor syntax.

I have added a reference to the relevant Infragistics.Web DLLs to the project (CopyLocal=True).

I have modified the web.config file to add the "<add assembly..." entry.

I have added references to the various Infragistics script and style files in my BundleConfig file.

Nothing seems to work.

Do you have a simple example project which I can use as a template?

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