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igGridUpdating - Tabbing when overwriting editcellstarting event

In the grid I have an event wired up to the editcellstarting event.  Sometimes I cancel this event to prevent the editors from showing.  But when a user is tabbing, it cancels the tab event so the grid doesn't naturally flow to the next record.  How can I get around this?

X  =  Show Editors
Y  =  Prevent Editors

Row 1:  X | X | X | X | X
Row 2:  X | X | Y | X | X
Row 3:  X | X | Y | Y | X

First row tabs perfectly!
Second row tabs stop after the second column.  User has to manually click on column 4 to start again.
Third row tabs stop after the second column.  User has to manually click on the column 5 to start again.

The tab should naturally shift to the next available column.  After looking at the source, I saw that the code returns with a "Cancelled" response and the invoker does nothing with it except returns.  I don't want to cancel it, I want to skip it.  How can I achieve this?