Hello There...
I am working on a project on crypto currencies paper trading and I am using MERN stack. In which, I am using IgniteUI library for IgrFinancialChart.
Is there any way for showing loading animation while data is not fetched yet inside the chart container.
Attaching the code and screenshot for the reference :
<IgrFinancialChart ref={chartRef} // tooltipTemplate={CustomTooltip} toolTipType="data" xAxisAutoScale={false} xAxisMod="time" // xAxisMinimumValue={today} // xAxisMaximumValue={endOfDay} xAxisLabelVisibility="collapsed" width="100%" height="100%" isToolbarVisible={false} chartType="Candle" chartTitle={Symbol} titleAlignment="Left" titleLeftMargin="25" titleTopMargin="10" titleBottomMargin="10" subtitle="Binance - CryptoCoin Price, Currency in USD" subtitleAlignment="Left" subtitleLeftMargin="25" subtitleTopMargin="5" subtitleBottomMargin="10" yAxisMode="Numeric" yAxisVisibility={false} yAxisLabelVisibility="collapsed" finalValueAnnotationsVisible={false} zoomSliderType="None" dataSource={testData} transitionInEasingFunction="cubic" />
Thank you!
Hello Michael,
First of all thanks for replying and answering.
Regarding this Loading topic I have open a new issue (feature request more specifically) on GitHub. By the link you provided in your reply.
And let me know if they need more info about the problem.
Hello and thank you for contacting Infragistics. A busy indicator would be considered a new product idea.
However you may have noticed our website samples use a custom busy indicator mainly for when the sample is loaded. You can check it out here but keep in mind we don't support it since its a third party component.
https://github.com/IgniteUI/igniteui-react-examples/blob/vnext/browser/src/navigation/SamplesLoading.tsx https://github.com/IgniteUI/igniteui-react-examples/blob/vnext/browser/src/navigation/SamplesLoading.css Let me know if you have any questions.