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Size scales: surface vs. properties


Can you explain the scale differences below?

Resizing on the surface...


resizing h/w via properties..


  • 1075
    Verified Answer

    Hi Stephen!

    This can happen if you are resizing while zoomed in/out.

    When resizing while dragging, the width & height shown match the control size on the Design Surface at the current zoom level, while on the Properties Panel, it´s showing the actual control dimensions at 100% zoom level.

    This discrepancy is actually a bug; it should always show the control's actual width & height, independently of the zoom level.

    It's a very simple fix; we will include it in our next update, expected to be released on the following days.

    Thanks for submitting this! We hope you are enjoying your experience with Indigo Studio.


    Indigo Studio Development Team.