I've created a prototype in Indigo and I want to share it with a client. However when it packages up the prototype it only packages up 3 of the 6 screens that I have created and so when you try and run the prototype from the Indigo website it gets an error saying a screen is missing. I navigate to new sceeens rather than changing the screen in the interactions and they all appear in the project design view.
How does the packaging work? Do I have to have the files/screens in a particular order?
I've tried copying the files and starting from a new directory but it doesn't find the images in the screens.
I'd like to be able to reuse screens I've created in new prototypes (to show different scenarios) how can I do that as there doesn't seem to be an import feature or a way of reusing screens?
Any help is much appreciated
Thanks Duane,
The fix has worked and I can share my Prototypes now.
Thanks for your help
Hello Graham,
For issue # 129354 has been fixed.
Let us know if there's any further assistance that we can provide.
Hi Diego,
I think I'm having the issue you mention where the screens are saved in sub folders as when I look at the project, all of the screens are linked as George mentioned and do run OK when I run the project before sharing.
I look forward to the fix and I'll let you know if it sorts the problem out.
Thanks for your help.
All the best
Hi Graham,
In addition to what George explained I want to let you know that we have found a bug when sharing screens that are stored inside subfolders within the project. Is this your scenario? This is already fixed and hopefully will be part of our next update that is going to be published tomorrow.
We’ll let you know when this issue is fixed.
If you have all your screens in the root folder of the project navigations should work ok.
Thanks for your question, Graham. By default Indigo shares the prototype as a whole (i.e., screens with interactions between them).
To get a sense of what your prototype will contain, when you are in the project home, try switching the view from list/gallery mode to screen-screen navigation mode. This will generate a connected view of your screens, and you get a sense whether there are any screens that are islands (i.e., have no outgoing or incoming interactions/links). Check out the following help topic for an image of the connected view: http://indigo.infragistics.com/help/finding-your-designs.html
If you select only some of the screens (e.g., screen 1, screen 3), the share option changes to "Share Selected." It's possible that in your prototype, the only way to get to screen 3 was via screen 2. And this will result in a prototype with missing screens. I may have misunderstood your specific situation. If so, feel free to ping us with more questions.
Just remember when sharing a subset of the prototype, think of it as a sharing a connected set of screens, and not individual screens. If your intention is to share specific screen states, you can use the export to PNG option.