First of all thanks to Infragistic to put up with such a nice tool, I have strated using this and find it very nice and simple..
How about More Icons and components which could be useful for designers.
A lot has been going on since you wrote. I'm glad to tell you that our current version supports more than 1500 icons. Since you wrote us we have included Font Awesome and Linea packs.
Once again, thank you for helping us make Indigo better. If you have any questions or more feedback about the product, we'd love to get your thoughts.
Best regards,ClaudiaIndigo Studio Team
Hi Lourd,
We are going to be adding various platform packs in the future. You can see and vote for the ones you care about on our User Voice site. If you want specific icons and controls, please suggest them there so that others can vote for them as well.
Thanks for the feedback.