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Moved screens, lost interactions

I moved a projects navigation screens to a new folder and when I run the prototype it says all interactions have been lost. When I place them back in the original folder (where the .proj file is located) they work again. Do the navigation screens always need to be in the same folder as the .proj file? 

  • 1655
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hi, Daniel!

    A lot has been going on since you wrote. I'm glad to tell you that our current version supports moving screens between inner folders in your project without losing references. You have to move them inside Indigo Studio, not from the file system in order to keep the references updated.

    Once again, thank you for helping us make Indigo better. If you have any questions or more feedback about the product, we'd love to get your thoughts.

    Best regards,
    Indigo Studio Team

  • 11674

    Hi Daniel,

    Links between screens are stored as relative to the project root. If you think of it as a Web site, that can help. If you have a link to a page at /account/profile and then you move that page, it will result in a broken link that needs to be updated. It works the same in Indigo.

    Hope this helps. Let me know if you have further questions.