Hi all,
I want to communicate applet with JSF,
Actually what i need is i have to call method in applet for GridView Row selection of JSF component (and i need to send value to the applet method too). how can do this.
any help will be appreciated
Thanks inadvance
Dayananda B V
Hello, dayanandabv!
Usually you can achieve that by using the onchange attribute of the JSF tags. Unfortunatelly our product currently does not support this functionality. We are trying to add this in the next releases as soon as possible.
As you told actually i am trying with java script itself, but my problem is, how can i call JavaScript method for a JSF component event change listener. for example i am trying to call a JavaScript method for Row selection listener in GridView. but i am not able to do it.
just see the below code i tryed, here i am using DropDownList for checking event listener.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><jsp:root version="1.2" xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" xmlns:ig="http://ko.infragistics.com/faces/netadvantage" xmlns:jsp="http://java.sun.com/JSP/Page" xmlns:ui="http://www.sun.com/web/ui"> <jsp:directive.page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"/> <f:view> <ui:page binding="#{AppletTest.page1}" id="page1"> <ui:html binding="#{AppletTest.html1}" id="html1"> <ui:head binding="#{AppletTest.head1}" id="head1"> <ui:link binding="#{AppletTest.link1}" id="link1" url="/resources/stylesheet.css"/> <script> function test(){ alert("hi"); alert("hey"+document.getElementById('hiddenField1').value); } </script> </ui:head> <ui:body binding="#{AppletTest.body1}" id="body1" onLoad="test();" style="-rave-layout: grid"> <ui:form binding="#{AppletTest.form1}" id="form1"> <ig:dropDownList binding="#{AppletTest.htmlDropDownList1}" dataSource="#{AppletTest.nameList}" id="htmlDropDownList1" style="left: 144px; top: 480px; position: absolute" valueChangeListener="#{AppletTest.onChange}"/> <h:commandButton binding="#{AppletTest.button2}" onclick="test()" id="button2" style="left: 240px; top: 480px; position: absolute" value="Submit"/> </ui:form> <!-- <jsp:plugin archive="lms-common.jar" code="com.fifthlight.lightmgmt.v3.applet.floorplan.NewJApplet.class" codebase="../Clientlib/" height="300" name="dayaname" type="applet" width="300"> <h:inputHidden name="selectedValue" value="FloorPlanFragment.selectedValue"/> <jsp:params> <jsp:param name="enableDebug" value="#{FloorPlanFragment.selectedValue}"/> </jsp:params> <jsp:fallback> Your browser does not support applets. </jsp:fallback> </jsp:plugin>--> <f:verbatim> <applet archive="lms-common.jar" code="com.fifthlight.lightmgmt.v3.applet.floorplan.NewJApplet.class" codebase="../Clientlib/" height="300" name="dayaname" type="applet" width="300"> <h:commandButton binding="#{AppletTest.button1}" id="button1" style="left: 192px; top: 72px; position: absolute"/> <param name="userName" value="#{AppletTest.selectedValue}"/> </applet> </f:verbatim> <!-- <h:commandButton binding="#{AppletTest.button1}" id="button1" onclick="if(!confirm('You will lose all changes made. Are you sure?')) return false" style="position: absolute; left: 264px; top: 480px" value="click"/> --> <h:inputHidden binding="#{AppletTest.hiddenField1}" id="hiddenField1" value="#{AppletTest.fld}"/> </ui:body> </ui:html> </ui:page> </f:view></jsp:root>
Hello, Dayananda B V!
You can find answers on the suggested topics at http://forums.infragistics.com/forums/p/7468/38890.aspx#38890