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Issues with Row Deletion in v11.1


I am working with v11.1 of the webgrid (specifically 11.1.20111.2178).

I have set the attribute AllowDeleteDefault to "Yes" in the DisplayLayout element.

The grid renders a delete button on each row as expected.

I see that the button click invokes a method, igtbl_deleteRow() with the grid ID and the rowID suffix, which it uses to create the fully qualified ID, which it then assigns to a hidden field before calling _doPostBack() with the grid ID and an empty argument string.

I have the following challenges:

1. Nothing happens. If the control is meant to postback to the page, it isn't doing so. I thought perhaps this was because there was no specified event handler so I added an OnDeleteRow attribute to the grid tag, with a method I created that currently does nothing (I just wanted to capture a postback event in the debugger).

On the client side, I dug into _doPostBack() and it does a setPan() call but at some point the pan value becomes null because of a timer event.

2. I also don't see any way to specify a custom action for the delete button. 

I figure I'm probably overlooking something very basic about how to wire up this delete event, so any help anyone can provide would be awesome!

