I've seen the example in your website about markers but it's example with preload markers, and I would know if it's possible to create a marker on the coordonate where I click with the mouse (And clear all markers with button) ?
I've searched but I don't find any example
Thanks and sorry if my question is a little dumb !
Hello Ezekief,
You can create a SymbolElement and place it at the location where the end-user clicks. To start, handle the map's MapMouseLeftButtonDown event and track the coordinates where clicked.
This was previously discussed here:https://ko.infragistics.com/community/forums/f/retired-products-and-controls/36373/determine-latitude-and-longitude-on-map-click-event/211645#211645
Full code example: Placing markers on-click
private void XamMap1_MapMouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MapMouseButtonEventArgs e) { Point mousePosition = e.Position; Point mapPosition = xamMap1.Viewport.RootCanvas.RenderTransform.Inverse.Transform(mousePosition);
SymbolElement element = new SymbolElement() { SymbolOrigin = mapPosition, Caption = "Marker", SymbolType = MapSymbolType.Diamond, SymbolSize = 10 };
xamMap1.Layers[0].Elements.Add(element); element.ZIndex = 0; }
Let me know if you have any questions regarding this matter.