how to validate the ultrawebgrid cells not to accept special characters like (@#$%^&*:;><?..)
thanka a lot .....
I need to check the ultragridvalue cells using script how can i get the cell ID from ultragrid , I can get cell by its Id when it is binded using sqldatasource but i want to bind them using coding at that time am not able to get its ID by defining as cell =igtbl_getCellById(cellid)
that to i am searching an expression to accept alphabets alone ,alphanumeric(both starting with alphabets followed by digit and digits followed by a alphabets ) but not to accept digits alone i used many exp bu if any thing restricts digits means it also restricts alphanumeric starts with digits pls give me a solution....
once again Thanks .....
You could use a RegularExpressionValidator. There are instructions for assigning a validator to a cell at:
There are instructions for forming regular expressions at:
"[^@#$%^&*:;><?]+" (without the quotes) will exclude these: @#$%^&*:;><?..
"[0-9a-zA-Z]+" (without the quotes) will exclude everything except digits and alpha characters, including spaces.