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change data's row after cell edition


I would like to make the following - I have web grid and each row contains data for one object. One column allows cell edition - select from all possible objects. When user selects the object then I would like to change the row according to new selected object.

Please, is it possible? I have been trying something but without result.

Here is some of my code:

JSF code: 

          style="width: 600px;">
          <ig:gridEditing enableOnMouseClick="single"
                  cellValueChangeListener="#{assetController.cellAssetGroupValueChangeListener}" /> 


                    <f:facet name="editor">
                        <ig:dropDownList dataSource="#{assetController.allAssetGroups}"
                                smartRefreshIds="groupMemberShipTable" />

Java code: 

  public void cellAssetGroupValueChangeListener(CellValueChangeEvent event) { 
    DataModel dm = ((DataList)event.getComponent().getParent()).getDataSource();
    List<AssetGroup> origList = (List<AssetGroup>)dm.getWrappedData();
    AssetGroup ag = assetService.getAssetGroup(Long.valueOf((String)event.getNewValue()));
    origList.set(dm.getRowIndex(), ag);

  public List<SelectItem> getAllAssetGroups() {
    if (allAssetGroups == null) {
      List<AssetGroup> groups = assetService.findAllAssetGroups();
      //convert to list of SelectItems
      allAssetGroups = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
      for (AssetGroup g : groups) {
        allAssetGroups.add(new SelectItem(g.getId(), g.getName()));
      } //end-for
    return allAssetGroups;


Thank you in advance, PETER 

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  • 1579
    Verified Answer

    Hello, PETER!

    This is the code of a sample application, that allows you to replace the object in a web grid's row using a dropDownList to select the new object. You can change the way tha data in the lists behave when making a new selection, but the way in that data in grid refreshes remains the same.

    Java code: 

    public class WebGridCriteriaBean {
     private List clientsIdList = null;  // List of SelectItems,
           // holds the ids of the objects

     private List clientsList = null;  // List of all possible objects

     private List selectedClientsList = new ArrayList(); // List of objects to be diplayed
            // in the Web Grid
     private GridView grid;

      ... // Initialization of lists

     public void onChangeSelection(ValueChangeEvent e) {
      System.out.println("NEW VALUE SELECTED: " + e.getNewValue());

     public void onChangeCell(CellValueChangeEvent e) {

       * This code finds the object with the old Id in the list
       * and replaces it with the object correspoding to the
       * new Id, selected from the dropDownList

      Clients client = (Clients) selectedClientsList.get(0);    // Class, that holds information like Id, Name, Address etc. of a client
      int index = 0;
      Iterator it = selectedClientsList.iterator();
       client = (Clients);
       if (client.getId().equalsIgnoreCase((String)e.getOldValue())){
        index = selectedClientsList.indexOf(client);
      it = clientsList.iterator();
      while (it.hasNext()) {
       client = (Clients);
       if (client.getId().equalsIgnoreCase((String)e.getNewValue())) {
        selectedClientsList.add(index, client);

    JSF code:

    <ig:gridView id="clientTable" binding="#{wgCriteria.grid}" dataSource="#{wgCriteria.selectedClientsList}" pageSize="20">

    <ig:gridEditing enableOnMouseClick="single"


    <f:facet name="header">

    <h:outputText value="Clients List"></h:outputText>



    <f:facet name="header">

    <h:outputText value="Client Id"></h:outputText>


    <f:facet name="editor">

    <ig:dropDownList smartRefreshIds="clientTable" dataSource="#{wgCriteria.clientsIdList}" valueChangeListener="#{wgCriteria.onChangeSelection}"/>


    <h:outputText value="#{}"></h:outputText>


    ... <@-- Any other columns --@>




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