I'm working on an application which requires that, when clicked, clientside code will add a new row to the grid based on the first pre-populated row.
The new row will be a duplicate of the first row. Setting the data is not difficult but I am having issues with templated columns which seem to be ignored by the addNew method (both grid.Bands[0].addNew() and igtbl_addNew()).
Ideally, I would like to be able to do what CopyRow does but through javascript.
If there is no JS equivalent to CopyRow, is there a way to make sure the templated columns are repeated, even if I have to code this manually?
Hi eyetie,
I have a similar problem. Did you find any solution for that?
Your help would be much appreciated,
Thanks for writing. I am not sure that we have something that matches this requirement 100%. Still, this might be possible to implement to some extent using the CSOM (Client Side Object Model) of the grid.
I guess a good starting point is out help documentation for the client-side Row object:
While I do not see anything the clones a row there, maybe going through all the cells (using getCell()) and then replicating that in the new row could do the trick?
Another idea - our customers often share great code in the forums, so maybe going through a forum search for getCell and browsing some of the solutions there may provide additional clues.
Hope this helps.