I know that you can get user selected rows by using event handler for selectedRowsChangeListener="#{webgrid_rowSelectionPage.onSelectedRowsChange}" or using the function getSelectedRows().
I assume the event handler function and getSelectedRows() function should be implemented in backing bean. I couldn't find document on the backing bean and any example for it. I download netAdvantage for JSF 2008 vol1 document, but it doesn't cover it.
So how do I implement onSelectedRowsChange function or getSelectedRows() function?
Hi, yzbythesea!
You can have a look at our example with getSelectedRows() and void onSelectedRowsChange(SelectedRowsChangeEvent e) at http://java.samples.infragistics.com/NetAdvantage/JSF/2008.1/featurebrowser/fbhome.faces in section WebGrid/Row Selection. You can find the corresponding source code in your installation folder, that is to say INSTALL_FOLDER\demos\src\main\java\com\infragistics\faces\samples\webgrid\rowSelection.