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SelectedRowsChange event not firing in new version of WebGrid

Hi I had been using an earlier version of the ASP.Net ultraWebGrid, Version=5.2.20052.1073. I recently upgraded to the more recent controls to take advantage of some of the new features ...Version=7.1.20071.40.

I have encountered an issue retating to the handling of the SelectedRowsChange Event of the grid with the new version. My old code handled this event without an issue using a server-side handler. However the event does not fire for the new version. Previously I just had to single-click the row selector and the event would fire. Now clicking the row selector does select the row but the event does not fire. It does seem to fire if I double click the row selector but then gives an index out of bounds error. I have the grid confirured as follows...

this.table1.SelectedRowsChange += new Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.SelectedRowsChangeEventHandler(this.table1_OnSelectRow);


table1.Bands[0].AddButtonCaption = "Add";

table1.Bands[0].SelectTypeRow = Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.SelectType.Single;

It's pretty basic stuff. The old version fires the event whereas the new version does not. Any ideas anyone? Is this a known issue?

 Any help is really appreciated - this is not helping my hair-loss situation.


Derek Brennan