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web grid with buttons on each row


I have the following table:

    <h:form id="assetOverviewForm"> 
        <h:outputText value="#{gui['assets.overview']}" styleClass="heading2"/>
        <f:facet name="header">
          <h:outputText value="#{gui['assets.listHeading']}" />
        <ig:column sortBy="publicId">
            <f:facet name="header">
              <h:outputText value="#{gui['']}" />
          <h:outputText value="#{DATA_ROW.publicId}" />
            <h:commandLink action="#{assetDetailController.showAssetDetail}">
              <h:graphicImage value="images/buttonDetail.gif" style="border: 0px" />           
              <f:param name="id" value="#{}"/>                               
            <h:commandButton image="images/icon_remove.gif" 
                action="#{assetOverviewController.deleteAsset}" value="#{gui['delete']}"
                onclick="if (!confirm('#{gui['asset.removeConfQuestion']}')) return false; else setIdForRemoving('#{}');">                               
      <h:inputHidden id="assetRemoveId" value="-1"></h:inputHidden>
      <h:commandLink action="#{assetController.showAssetAdding}">           
          <h:outputText value="#{gui['asset.addNew']}" />                               


Functionality should be as follows: each row contains two commands for detail and for deletion. Confirmation dialog must be opened before deletion-operation.

When there is only button for deletion then everything works fine - user clicks, confirmation dialog is opened. But when I add commandLink then it doesn't work - no confirmation dialog is opened and form is submitted. Also table sorting doesn't work with two commands.

I found out that this is because JS error - "curForm is undefined". It seems that JSF engine createdwrong page ?!?

Please I would very appreciate any help.

Thank you in advance,