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Can't trigger ValueChanged event in webdate chooser

Hello dear folks!

 I am working on a ASP.NET 2.0 application and am using version 7.1 of Infragistics. I have made a usercontrol where I userthe webdatechooser component. The ascx file part of interst looks like this:

   <infragistic:WebDateChooser Width="90px" ID="wdcReportDate" runat="server" CssClass="DateChooserMain"
                NullDateLabel="" NullValueRepresentation="DateTime_MinValue">
                <ClientSideEvents ValueChanged="wdcReportDate_ValueChanged"/>
                <EditStyle CssClass="DateChooserEdit">
                <DropButton ImageUrl2="~/App_Themes/Menu/Images/ig_cmboDown1.bmp" ImageUrl1="~/App_Themes/Menu/Images/ig_cmboDown1.bmp">
                <CalendarLayout FooterFormat="I dag: {0:d}">
                    <FooterStyle BackColor="#F0F0F0" />
                    <NextPrevStyle BackColor="#F0F0F0" />
                    <DayHeaderStyle BackColor="#F0F0F0" />
                    <DropDownStyle BackColor="White">
                    <TitleStyle BackColor="#F0F0F0" />

I set the event in the bold text above as you can see. I have added this code to my code behind file:

   protected void wdcReportDate_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        pnlVisitedPlans.Expanded = true; <-- breakpoint here

I want a panel to to expand when a change in date occurs. This is all code I have done, and I am obvuiously missing something because I get the infamous "Cant eval wdcReportDate_ValueChanged ...." in the IE statusbar. The breakpoint is never hitted.

Do I have to do some java scripting?  I hope not ...

Thanks for reading!