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How can I create a new tab across different .aspx file?

The situation as follow:

1. I created a UltraWebTab Control in Main.aspx and add 1 tab(Tab1) in the control
2. Content pane in Tab1 I  use "tabItem1.ContentPane.TargetUrl= "./TransferFilter.aspx"
3. A WebDataGrid control in TransferFilter.aspx
4. How can I select a single row in WebDataGrid then it will automated create a tap in Main.aspx with the data which selected in the WebDataGrid?

 Thank you for your help.


  • 24497


    If you use TargetUrl, then you can not use common dot-net references to controls located in pages. To access controls located on different page you may try to put references of control in a global object like Session, add access them through those references.