Hello everybody!!
Is there any way for to set the same indentation for nodes with childs and nodes without childs?
thanks in advance!!
Technically the treeview does not have anything built-in to support this scenario, but I think a workaround is possible. You can use HTML directly in node text and have span with negative margin, this will visually do the same. Example:
<ignav:UltraWebTree ID="UltraWebTree1" runat="server" DefaultImage="" HiliteClass="" HoverClass="" Indentation="20"> <Levels> <ignav:Level Index="0" /> </Levels> <Nodes> <ignav:Node Text="Root Node"> </ignav:Node> <ignav:Node Text="Root Node"> </ignav:Node> <ignav:Node Text="Root Node"> <Nodes> <ignav:Node Text="Child Node"> </ignav:Node> <ignav:Node Text="<span style='margin-left:-15px'>Child Node</span>"> </ignav:Node> <ignav:Node Text="Child Node"> </ignav:Node> </Nodes> </ignav:Node> </Nodes> </ignav:UltraWebTree>