(1) i used collection class to populate grid ,
i have one BO class Person and collection class PersonColl
and one DAL class PersonDAL , in this class one methed GerPersonList
this mehod return PerosnColl object
i called this method from UI page
some thing like this
UltraWebGrid1.DataSource = percol.getdata
i also have one buton Save on the page
i want select row value when user click on Save button
but it's want work if i used this type of data binding
(2) if i used sqldatasource or objcetdatasource then i can find out selected row , some thing like this way
If Not row1 Is Nothing Then
Label1.Text += row1.Cells(0).Value
End If
Can Anybody tell me how to find a selected row if i used first databing apporch ?
Using a custom business object as your data source shouldn't have any impact on whether or not you can retrieve the active row in server-side code.
Are you possibly databinding your grid on every postback? If you are, this would cause this problem. If you're binding in the Page_Load event, you have two options - either put the call to the grid's DataBind() method in a "If Not Page.IsPostBack" condition, or move the retreival of your data source to the grid's IntiializeDataSource collection (and remove the call to DataBind() altogether, since the grid will implicitly call it).