Hi! I am reskinning the WebDateChooser control and i face the following issues...
1. Can a close button be shown at the right hand top corner of the dropdown panel/calendar.. If yes, how do i wire the close panel script?
2. The day format in the calendar does not have a leading 0. I like to dsplay as 01,02....
3. The height of the calendar( dropped down that is) should be 129px. .I have tried setting the height in the DropsownStyle,CalendarStyle...It works for a value higher than 134px but i cant bring it down to 129px without compromising on the 2px padding on the daystyle :(
Please help!
1. The calendar does not allow modify its content. The best you can do create a template for its footer. If you expert in DOM, then of course you may do a lot. For example, get reference to html element which represents title of calendar, insert an html element into it, listen to its events and perform any action, but similar things are not publically supported and you are on own.
2. WebCalendar does not have property which defines format of days. However, it has public event which can be used to customize any aspect of rendering including strings (html element) displayed in day-cells. Below is example for your case:
<script type="text/javascript">function dc1_CalendarRenderDay(oCalendar, oDay, oEvent){ // if you have hidden days for previour/next month if(oDay.hide) return; // if day is larger than 9, then keep default if(oDay.day > 9) return; // set your own html for oDay oDay.text = '0' + oDay.day;}</script>
<igsch:WebDateChooser ID="dc1" runat="server"> <ClientSideEvents CalendarRenderDay="dc1_CalendarRenderDay"></ClientSideEvents></igsch:WebDateChooser>
3. Minimum possible size of calendar is defined by browser. Size of font and number of rendered areas have most impact. To reduce height, you may remove titles, footer, reduce font-size in properties of CalendarLayout and some other minor settings like remove borders.