I'm using Infragistic UltraWebMenu in my application. Im populating the entire menu (7 main items and then their SubITems) from DB.
Now i've a situation in which my client has asked me to show the SubItems of each Main Item in a specific Order. Any idea how should i proceed with this problem.
Here is how currently i'm populating the Menu.
Firstly i take a DB trip and get all the Main Items and assign them to the Menu.
Secondly i take a trip to DB and get all the Forms from different modules the current user has rights to view. then through a loop i assign each subitem to their respective Main Item.
Now i want these subItems to be displayed in specific Order.
An instant response will be highly appreciated
The sub-items should appear in the order to which you add them to the main item. WebMenu has no functionality to "sort" its items or subitems.