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Webgrid on AsyncRefreshPanel, inside a WebTab, server doesn't get clickCellButton event

Hi there,

 I've got an UserControl which has a UltraWebTab on it.  Inside that tab is an AsyncRefreshPanel with an UltraWebGrid on it.  I've made a column in the grid a Button column and i have added the clickCellButton handler to the server side, but it never gets called.  I've search all over the forums looking for an example of how to get this method to fire.  I think it has something to do with being a grid on an asyncpanel on a tab in a usercontrol.  I really don't know javascript at all, so i want to handle the click event on the server. 

 Specifically, is there anything i have to do to enable the server side event to fire when i click the button in the grid?

 Any assistance would be appreciated, thanks.

 Daryl White