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Events of UltraWebGrid not raised inside WARP


 I have a little testpage (which is using a masterpage), with an UltraWebGrid and a WARP. The grid is not inside of the warp. So in the Page_Load I do a "_webAsyncRefreshPanel.AddLinkedRequestTrigger(_productGrid);" to hook my grid to the warp "_webAsyncRefreshPanel" is the ID of my WARP while "_productGrid" is the ID of my grid :) - obviously! ). I further register the double-click event of the grid using "_productGrid.DblClick += _productGrid_DblClick;".

OK ... but the event-handler is never raised :(

If I comment out "_webAsyncRefreshPanel.AddLinkedRequestTrigger(_productGrid);" the event get's raised alright ...


I'm running VS 2008 SP1, .Net 3.5SP1, Infragistics 2008 Vol 1