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Re: how to add rows and columns dynamically in ultrawebgrid

I have placed an infragistics ultrawebgrid over a web form.
what i needed is, soon after the webform is loaded, the cursor should blink in the first cell of the ultrawebgrid, so that i can edit the cell.

Now what is coming is like, i need to place the cursor manually by mouse over the grid. Currently the first cell is active. but the cursor is not blinking in that cell. the code i have written for that is

UltraWebGrid1.Rows(0).Cells(0).AllowEditing = Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.AllowEditing.Yes
UltraWebGrid1.DisplayLayout.ActiveCell = UltraWebGrid1.Rows(0).Cells(0)

Can any one suggest a method , so that i can get the cursor in the first cell

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  • 45049

    You need to put the first cell of the grid into edit mode.  You've activated it, but entering edit mode is an additional step.

    I don't recall for absolute certain whether this can be done through server-side code, but I strongly suspect that it cannot.  This means that you'll have to use JavaScript.

    My suggestion is to hook up the client-side InitializeLayout event handler to a function like the following (note that I can't test this code at the moment, so I may not have this exactly correct):

    function UltraWebGrid1_InitializeLayoutHandler(gridName)
        var grid = igtbl_getGridById(gridName);

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