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div input components not supporting onfocus / onblur?


thanks to the fact that IE7 chooses to ignore the :focus pseudoclass I have to use onfocus and onblur events to change the look of the input fields. Now it seems that for example the ig:dropDownList does not even support those events?

Is there any other easy way to catch the focus / blur on those fields?

Thanks in advance



  • 12025

    Hello Anja,

    Currently we do not expose any client-side events directly off of our controls. You can, upto a certain extent, get the control in javascript and hook these events manually on body load. However, we are working on exposing these client-side events for our controls in future.

     So, in case of a drop down list, you can do the following:

    //"mainForm" is the Forms ID and "myDropDownList" is the drop down list's id

    var ddl = document.getElementById("mainForm:myDropDownList");


    ddl.onfocus = ddlFocus;

    ddl.onblur = ddlBlur;

    function ddlFocus() { alert('DDL Focus'); }

    function ddlBlur() { alert('DDL Blur'); }

    Hope this helps.  
