Hello everyone,
Has anyone tried the following?
I am using UltraTreeview control in order to retrieve the data from a web.sitemap file.
I have added to the web.sitemap a custom attribute (let's call it CustAtt). Now, when I load the data from the sitemap in the ultratreeview control, I want to display only the nodes that fulfill a certain condition on the CustAtt values. (for instance, CustAtt = "Required".The rest of the nodes (either nodes or leaves) shall be hidden/removed from the treeview.
I have checked it and double checked it, but i didn't find any solution to this problem.
Can you help me?
Thank you,
I have solved yesterday's problem. Here is the solution:
protected void UltraWebTree1_NodeBound(object sender, WebTreeNodeEventArgs e) { SiteMapNode siteNode = e.Node.DataItem as SiteMapNode; if (siteNode["CustAtt"] == "Required") e.Node.Hidden = false; }