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Client Row Click in WebGrid to trigger Async Panel Refresh

Any ideas on how to handle a WebGrid row click on the client so that an Async Panel gets refreshed without a full postback?

 The idea is that a row in the grid gets selected, then the details for that row get displayed in a panel.


  • 45049

    Use the grid's client-side CellClick event handler to handle clicks on individual cells, which will provide you with information on which cell was clicked in the cellId parameter.  From this, you can get a reference to the cell, and then to the row.

    If you also need to do something when clicking on row selectors, you should also handle the grid's client-side RowSelectorClick event, which provides you with information on the row via the rowId parameter.

    In both cases, you can then use whatever code you need to trigger the update on the panel.  If you're using WARP, that'd be the its refresh() method.