Hi There,
We've been testing in Internet Explorer 8 beta and Safari and we have noted a problem with the webgrid. A number of javascript errors are thrown by the grid in both IE8 and Safari and they appear to be related. I note the intention to release an update to your products when IE8 is released properly and I wondered if as part of this process there is any intention to begin supporting Safari. Although Safari users are not a large percentage of our potential user base it would be nice to at least provide basic functionality to them.
To answer, I'll quote from the following post:https://ko.infragistics.com/community/forums/f/ultimate-ui-for-windows-forms/54886/changing-docked-pane-size-at-run-time-in-ultradockmanager#54886
Vince McDonald"]Some of our controls are, specifically any controls built off our Aikido framework (including the new WebDataGrid) as well as WebSchedule.
That's good to know! I have been using 2008.1.2058, I feel behind the times. It looks like it is time to upgrade to version 3.
Are you planning on transitioning all the controls to the Aikido framework?
To add to Patrick's statements, WebGrid is not currently supported in Safari. Some of our controls are, specifically any controls built off our Aikido framework (including the new WebDataGrid) as well as WebSchedule.
Hello Andy,
I know that Infragistics does not support use in Safari. You could try browser sniffing and setting the grid to downbrowser mode if the user is not in firefox or IE. As for IE8 I know that it is only in the beta stages and there are several threads in this forum related to that topic.