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 How can i fill a bulk of data in a dropdown list in ultrawebgrid.i want to fill it from my database table using sqldatasource. when iam trying to fill it my grid is not working .i cant do anything inside it .i want to fill the name of countries in my dropdownlist.

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  • 470

    This is way too late for you but maybe it helps someone else.

    Apparently ther is no DIRECT way to fill a dropdownlist in an UltraWebGrid from an SQLDataSource. You can fill it with a little code..

    Assume I have a column with Key= "Answer_ID" which will hold a code. I want my dropdown to display the associated description for that code. The code and description are in an SQL table. My SQLDataSource1 pulls the appropriate rows and columns.

    (make sure you import Ultrawebgrid..)




    Then in page load..











    Dim AnswerValueList As New ValueList(True)





    Dim Answers As DataView = CType(Me.SQLDatasource1.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty), DataView)



    For rowcounter As Int16 = 0 To Answers.Table.Rows.Count - 1

    AnswervalueList.ValueListItems.Add(Answers.Table.Rows(rowcounter)(0), Answers.Table.Rows(rowcounter)(1))




    AnswerValueList.DisplayStyle = ValueListDisplayStyle.DisplayText



    Me.UltraWebGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns.FromKey("Answer_ID").Type = ColumnType.DropDownList



    Me.UltraWebGrid1.DisplayLayout.CellClickActionDefault = CellClickAction.Edit



    Me.UltraWebGrid1.DisplayLayout.AllowUpdateDefault = AllowUpdate.Yes



    Me.UltraWebGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns.FromKey("Answer_ID").ValueList = AnswerValueList

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