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Creating a WebCombo in a cell

 I'm using the following code to create a WebCombo in a cell of my grid and it's not working. Nothing is displayed in the cell when editing. I think the only difference between my code and the example from the docs is that my combo is created in code instead of being defined on the aspx page. Here is my code, does anyone know why this doesn't work?

void employeeGrid_InitializeLayout(object sender, LayoutEventArgs e)
        WebCombo crewTypeList = new WebCombo();
        crewTypeList.DataTextField = CrewTypeFields.CrewType.Name;
        crewTypeList.DataValueField = CrewTypeFields.CrewTypeId.Name;
        crewTypeList.DataSource = ServiceManager.GetEmployeeManager().GetCrewTypes();

        e.Layout.Bands[0].Columns.FromKey("CrewType").EditorControlID = crewTypeList.UniqueID;
        e.Layout.Bands[0].Columns.FromKey("CrewType").ValueList.DisplayStyle = ValueListDisplayStyle.DisplayText;

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